FREE Star Wars Math Printables

FREE Star Wars Math Printables

In honor of today, May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day I wanted to give you guys something a little different and fun to print.  We do love Minecraft around here, but Star Wars is also in our top 5 favorites list!  Just look at all the Jedimasters running around on...

SKraftyCon 2016 Information and Registration

We are so excited to be able to finally announce details about the FIRST ever SKraftyCon event!  This is going to be such a fun time with friends, Minecraft, and LOTS of other entertainment.  You will be able to spend lots of quality time with your SKrafty friends and...

How to Change Minecraft Version

Ever since Minecraft has had the update to 1.10 this morning we have had players getting an error when they try to get on SKrafty.  That’s because all of our supporting software isn’t ready for 1.10 yet so we can’t update until they are ready.  Until...

More Free Printable Minecraft Valentines

  I know it’s really close to Valentine’s Day.  If you are looking for some fun printable valentines to use then you will want to print these. Enjoy! To get yours just fill out the form below to sign up for our newsletter, and you’ll be able to...
Minecraft Role Play Literature Classes

Minecraft Role Play Literature Classes

These classes will be include a live, teacher led class with student interaction.  There will be a literature study along with a role play on the server.  Students will meet up on SKrafty to role play each book.  There is something for all ages.  Find more information...

Minecraft Pi Day Lesson

What is Pi?  Pi represents a number.  It’s an infinite number.  That mean it goes on and on and on and never stops.  A shortened form of PI is 3.14 so that’s why we talk about PI on March 14th each year or 3/14.  It is represented by the Greek symbol....
Join SKrafty at Teach Them Diligently

Join SKrafty at Teach Them Diligently

I know I have mentioned quite a few times on here how much I LOVE the Teach Them Diligently Convention. It’s absolutely the best Homeschool Convention that I’ve attended. The atmosphere and the speakers and the people are absolutely wonderful. We had such...

SKrafty Summer Build Winners Announced

Are your kiddos sitting? I hope so because they may faint when you tell them that we are FINALLY announcing the winners for the Summer build competitions.  There were so many AWESOME builds that this was such a difficult decision.  You can go here to see all the...

SKrafty Donator Gifts Available

Are your kiddos asking for a SKrafty donator rank like Game Master, Princess or Jedi Master?  Do you want to purchase it for them and surprise them later for Christmas?  I have put together a couple of products so that you can buy now and they can redeem them when...