Pop Sockets Only $5 Each Shipped

Pop Sockets Only $5 Each Shipped

I soooo wish this sale had been going on BEFORE Christmas, but I will take it now.  FOUR of my kiddos asked for them this year, but at $10 a pop….well, you know.   However, THIS is a great deal on Pop Sockets!  Right now you can get Official Pop Sockets Buy 1,...

SKrafty Summer Camp 2018 Week in Review

Sadly, we have come to the end of our 2018 SKrafty Summer camp! It is always a really fun time for all of us.  It’s nice to be able to spend a week together with friends building, learning, and playing.  I wanted to take a few minutes to share some highlights...

2018/2019 SKrafty IEW Class Registration Now Open

It’s writing time!  Please join us for a fun-filled writing class with live classes, grading, and some Minecraft.  These courses will be a 2 semester class, and the text book we will vary depending on the age level.  Each class can be used for a full writing or...