I’ve always been what I would consider an eclectic homeschooler.  Maybe it’s because I have such a hard time making up my mind about things.

There are things I love from Classical Homeschooling and other aspects I love from the Charlotte Mason Method.  We also tend to do a lot of unschooling around here especially in the early years, but I throw in a workbook or 2 every now & then as well.

Yes I’ve used curriculum like My Father’s World(Love it), Rod & Staff(Love it), and Heart of Dakota(also..Love it).  But…I always tweak, do different things for different kids, etc.

This method(or unmethod) has worked well for us up to this point.  My kids are enjoying school and increasing their knowledge at the same time.

However…I am ready for some more structure in our homeschool.  Here’s Why:

  • I’d like to get started with the a chronological history cycle.
  • I want to teach them Latin(and learn it myself)
  • I want to simplify our homeschool – I need a schedule right now that someone else made.  I want to be told what to do and when to do it (for now anyway;)
  • My kids are excited about something new.

With all that said I am doing something that I’ve never done before in our family’s homeschool history.  With much prayer and Bryan’s approval we are going with a certain company’s curriculum, using their lesson plans along with ALL of their recommendations for each subject.  

I know..I don’t have to do that to start the history cycle & teach latin, but I NEED this right now!

I have admired Veritas Press for years, and have used many of their books so when we decided to go with their curriculum it was actually a no-brainer and quite a relief.  Their scholars lesson plans will tell me what to do & when do do it including Latin and the 4 year history cycle. Another HUGE plus is that they recommend Institute for Excellence in Writing products with their scholar lessons.  The ONLY thing I will be adding is Apologia Zoology science since they don’t include it in their lesson plans.

My kids are so excited to get started and so am I!

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