SKrafty Grammar Class with Fix-It Robin Hood (2023/2024)

From: $28.43 / month for 7 months and a $10.00 sign-up fee


Please join us for a fun-filled grammar class with live classes, grading, and some Minecraft.  Each class can be used for a full grammar credit.  Your student will have a live class each week, assignments, and optional Minecraft activities to go along with it.  The live class will be recorded to watch later if needed.  These classes are taught using methodology by The Institute for Excellence in Writing by teachers certified to teach with this method. Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood is the third book in the Fix It! series. Level 3 Robin Hood refines concepts taught in previous levels and explains additional comma rules, various phrasal/clausal constructions, quotation punctuation, indefinite/demonstrative/reflexive pronouns, and more.

Students will earn badges as they complete quizzes and a Diamond Armor badge when they complete the whole class.

Course Length

This course will be a 2 semester class using the required textbooks (you must purchase both the Teacher and Student books) – Robin Hood Teacher/Student Combo


This class will begin on Tuesday, August 29th from 9:30 am – 10:15 pm CST and will end Tuesday, April 30th.
You can view the SKrafty Course Schedule and Holidays calendar Here:

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Please join us for a fun-filled grammar class with live classes, grading, and some Minecraft.  Each class can be used for a full grammar credit.  Your student will have a live class each week, assignments, and optional Minecraft activities to go along with it.  The live class will be recorded to watch later if needed.  These classes are taught using methodology by The Institute for Excellence in Writing by teachers certified to teach with this method. Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood is the third book in the Fix It! series. Level 3 Robin Hood refines concepts taught in previous levels and explains additional comma rules, various phrasal/clausal constructions, quotation punctuation, indefinite/demonstrative/reflexive pronouns, and more.

Students will earn badges as they complete quizzes and a Diamond Armor badge when they complete the whole class.

Course Length

This course will be a 2 semester class using the required textbooks (you must purchase both the Teacher and Student books) – Robin Hood Teacher/Student Combo


This class will begin on Tuesday, August 29th from 9:30 am – 10:00 pm CST and will end Tuesday, April 30th.
You can view the SKrafty Course Schedule and Holidays calendar Here:

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Additional information

Choose Your Method of Payment

Pay in Full, 7 Non-Refundible Payments February – August

Text Book Required

Required Textbooks (Must be purchased separately):

Please use code JoannJ if ordering from IEW.

A live interactive IEW class will engage your student each week. In addition, graded assignments as well as optional Minecraft activities are also provided.  This class is a full writing credit. Attending live class is essential for success, however, sessions will be recorded. Classes are taught using methodology by The Institute for Excellence in Writing® by teachers certified to teach with this method. 

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Class Times by Grade

Class Times:


This class will begin on Monday September 13 at 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm CST and will end the week of April 25th.
You can view the SKrafty Course Schedule and Holidays calendar Here:

  • Grades 7th – 12th (USHistory) Mondays at 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm CST
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Requirements and Prerequisites

  • Premium Minecraft Account and Minecraft for PC or MAC if you are doing the Minecraft portion.
  • Minecraft account must be whitelisted on SKrafty Homeschool Minecraft Server.
  • Required Textbook see class descriptions:
    Please use code JoannJ if ordering from IEW.
  • Student should know the basics of building in Minecraft, and use proper Minecraft ettiquette (no griefing, etc.)
  • Students will be able to log in and begin on Monday, September 13th
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