Argumentation and Debate from a Christian World View


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Argumentation and Debate from a Christian World View

This class will take place on Mondays at 2:30 PM Central time starting on September 29th, 2020.

In this fun, high-energy, interactive, 8-Week Class, we learn all about logic, critical thinking and debate!

How are these 3 debate courses structured as a whole?
This is the first of three trimester courses  which can be taken together to get a robust year-long understanding of 1- logic and argumentation, 2- how to prepare a case and make a claim, and 3 – how to deliver the debate. 

These 3 skills will be practiced during all three trimester courses, but each trimester will take particular focus on one of these so that strong skills will emerge. The order of the trimesters will be 1-argument logic 2- preparation 3- delivery. That way, your student has the first trimester to warm up to speaking and hearing each other and the second semester to research and build confidence in their case they have chosen. By the third trimester, you student will be confident and prepared when practicing his/her case.

Can my student take just one of these trimesters without taking the others?
Yes. your student will gain a lot on each of these.  It’s encouraged to take all three, however, because they do build on each other and focus on different aspects of debate. There is a 10% discount for registering for all three up front and the students will have a more cohesive class experience by supporting each other throughout the year.

Trimester 1: Logic and argumentation is the focus of this trimester.  The eight lessons will follow on these topics. Adjustments will be made to fit the class’s needs and pacing”

  1. What is debate? How to stay relaxed and confident in any confrontation. The importance of embarrassing healthy discourse in your walk with Christ. We’ll review and discuss the list of topics students can choose from for their debate focus.
  2. What is an argument? Defining claim, data, warrant, and impact. We will watch Christian debates with atheists to identify claim, data, warrant, and impact in these examples. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Manage the Moving Target (how to handle the bully tactic of constantly changing the subject on you).
  3. What is a resolution? We play with a class example of a resolution and how it works in a debate. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Untangle Knotty Arguments (how to handle the bully tactic of riddling you with so many objections at once you can’t address them all). Students will make their selection of their debate resolution.
  4. Classification and different points of view. Students will use Venn diagramming to bring out points of view and do an informal debate.Then we’ll learn two skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Spot a Misplaced Analogy (how to handle the bully tactic of sounding so confident because of a witty analogy that doesn’t hold water)
  5. Assessment Day -We’ll take time to review what we’ve learned so far and make sure all students are at a mastery level. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Separate Your Faith from Fairies and Santa Claus (how to handle the bully tactic of trivializing your faith)
  6. Logos, ethos, pathos with many activities and in-class informal debates. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Get out of the Trap of Expecting God to Prove Himself on our Terms (how to handle the bully tactic of saying if God then why not…)
  7. Logic and Fallacies – including strawman, slippery slope, appeal to authority, appeal to nature, ad hominem, and false cause. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Defuse an Ad Hominem (how to handle the bully tactic of making fun of Christians that aren’t cool or have stumbled)
  8. Presentations -Students present their topic by relating all the terms we’ve learned to their specific topic, claim, data, warrant, resolution, logos, ethos, pathos, logic and fallacies. They can use what they know already on their topic, debates they’ve watched, or the start of research they have done. We’ll then end the trimester by learning the opposite of bully tactics: How to Be kind.  (A conclusion using lots of video examples of Christians doing it right – with grace, compassion and love).

Trimester 2: Preparation and research is the focus of this trimester.  The eight lessons will follow on these topics. Adjustments will be made to fit the class’s needs and pacing”

  1. How to Research – Students will learn why how you research is important and learn how to use databases and online searches. We’ll review and discuss the list of topics students can choose from for their debate focus. Then we’ll learn how to identify and manage this bully tactic: 1 – How to Acknowledge and Unpack Contradictions (how to handle the bully tactic of picking a contradiction and running with it).
  2. Cutting and Tagging – Students will learn how to read, cut, and tag articles they research. We will go through articles in class and practice this so that they can do their homework by reading, cutting and tagging their own research for their topics. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Establish that Reasonable Trust is More Virtuous than Doubt (how to handle the bully tactic of putting doubt as a virtue higher than wise confidence)
  3. Affirmative Arguments – Students will review what we learned before about arguments and spend the class developing affirmative arguments for their case. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Distinguish Inadvertent Disrespect from Contempt (how to identify and handle the bully tactic that’s truly under the belt)
  4. Negative Arguments – Students will review what we learned before about arguments and spend the class developing negative arguments for their case.We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Remind that  We’re not born Atheist (how to handle the bully tactic of telling you you were brainwashed)
  5. Assessment Day -We’ll take time to review what we’ve learned so far and make sure all students are at a mastery level. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Stop the Cherry Pick (how to handle the bully tactic of ignoring the preponderance of evidence for the sake of an exception)
  6. Writing Cases – Students will learn what needs to go into their case they write and pull together an outline in class.  We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Think Through a One-Liner (how to handle the bully tactic of hitting you with a label that’s quick and hurtful.
  7. Recognizing Arguments – students will be given articles and, in a class activity, learn to recognize arguments being presented. What is a resolution? We play with a class example of a resolution and how it works in a debate. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Manage the Moving Target (how to handle the bully tactic of constantly changing the subject on you).
  8. Quick Casing – students will practice the art of quickly reviewing a case to be ready for a debate. Students will be using each other’s written cases as prep material. We’ll then end the trimester by learning the opposite of bully tactics: How to Be kind.  (A conclusion using lots of video examples of Christians doing it right – with grace, compassion and love).

Trimester 3 – Speaking, Debating, and Delivery

  1. We will begin with the importance and elements of good delivery. Speed, tone, volume, intonation, and clarity. Then we’ll learn two skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Untangle Knotty Arguments (how to handle the bully tactic of riddling you with so many objections at once you can’t address them all). 
  2. Cross examination- the purpose of questions and answers. How is should and should not be used -We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: 1- How to Spot a Misplaced Analogy (how to handle the bully tactic of sounding so confident because of a witty analogy that doesn’t hold water) 
  3. Impromptu speaking – thinking on your feet. Fun activities will be practiced in class. We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Think Through a One-Liner (how to handle the bully tactic of hitting you with a label that’s quick and hurtful)
  4. Flowing – the art of taking notes during a debate. Then we’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Separate Your Faith from Fairies and Santa Claus (how to handle the bully tactic of trivializing your faith)
  5. Constructing and presenting a Rebuttal speech. Then we’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Get out of the Trap of Expecting God to Prove Himself on our Terms (how to handle the bully tactic of saying if God then why not…)
  6. Impromptu speaking 2 – A second day to practice good delivery and quick on your feet thinking – We’ll then learn skills to manage this bully tactic: How to Defuse an Ad Hominem (how to handle the bully tactic of making fun of Christians that aren’t cool or have stumbled)
  7. Final debate presentations. Then we’ll learn two skills to manage this bully tactic: 1- How to Spot a Misplaced Analogy (how to handle the bully tactic of sounding so confident because of a witty analogy that doesn’t hold water) and 
  8. Wrapping it all up – finish final debate presentations and review all bully tactics, how to handle them and How to Be kind.  (A conclusion using lots of video examples of Christians doing it right – with grace, compassion and love).


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Additional information

Class Section

Trimester 1 – Logic and argumentation (1st 6 Weeks 9/28 – 11/16), Trimester 2 – The Written Case (2nd 6 Weeks 11/30 – 2/1, Trimester 3 – Speaking, Debating, and Delivery (3rd 6 Weeks 2/15 – 4/12), All 3 Sections


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