First you will need to log in to the SKrafty Server and head over to /server SKLA. You can get there by clicking on it with your compass OR walking through the portal in SKool.
You will spawn in to the language arts Server. To get back to your plot(s) type: /plotme home 1, /plotme home 2, etc. IMPORTANT: If you need a new plot to work on because you’ve filled your previous one, you can type the following to get one automatically: /plotme auto
Here’s your build project for this week…….
ONE MORE THING…..Type the following to submit your assignment for the week. ——>> /sksubmit PlumCreek 8
**this stands for the class name and the week number.
This concludes the lesson for this week.
Need Help? Have Questions? Want to comment? Go to /warp LAmailbox in the language arts server and you will find a mailbox there. Leave any questions or comments there. Make sure to sign your book so I will know who it’s from. Also, be sure to leave a mailbox in your own plot so we can answer back. (a simple mailbox is a chest with a hopper placed on top – hold the shift key when placing the hopper)